How to Buy Vapes with Nicotine in Japan

How to Buy Vapes with Nicotine in Japan - Premium Vape

How to Buy Vapes with Nicotine in Japan

Buying from overseas vape shops like Premium Vape makes it possible to buy vapes with nicotine in Japan legally. Learn more in this article.


Smoking rates in Japan have dropped dramatically since the turn of the century, but there’s a great deal more work to be done because progress has stalled over the past few years. In 2000, 33.3 percent of adults in Japan smoked. As of 2020, the smoking rate had dropped to just 20.1 percent. That was only slightly lower, however, than in 2018. Clearly, something is needed in order to continue Japan’s progress toward becoming a tobacco-free nation – and vaping has a chance to make a real difference.

Vaping has become quite popular in Japan. It’s estimated that about 1.9 percent of Japanese adults vape, which translates to approximately 1.98 million people. That’s a significant number, and it suggests that vaping has already helped to play a role in decreasing Japan’s smoking rates.

The problem with vaping in Japan, though, is that vapes with nicotine aren’t allowed there. That limits the potential for vaping to benefit public health because many people find it difficult to switch from smoking to vaping if they’re limited to using only nicotine-free vape juice.

There may be some shops in Japan selling JUULpods® and other vaping products with nicotine under the counter. If you buy those products, though, you’ll run into another serious problem: Much of what you’ll find is fake. Not only are vapes with nicotine illegal to sell in Japan, but they could also be incredibly dangerous to use.

Buying from overseas vape shops like Premium Vape makes it possible to buy vapes with nicotine in Japan legally and without worrying about counterfeit products. In this article, we’ll explain how to do it – but first, let’s take a closer look at how Japan’s vaping laws work.

What Are the Vaping Regulations in Japan?

Vaping is legal in Japan. However, vapes with nicotine aren’t available in domestic stores because they’re regulated as medical products. The minimum legal vaping age in Japan is 20. If you’re 20 and older, you can freely buy vaping devices, vape juices, disposable vapes and pods as long as those products contain no nicotine.

According to Japan’s vaping laws, all vapes with nicotine are considered medicinal products and must therefore be approved for therapeutic use before they can be sold to the public. No vaping products have been approved for therapeutic use in Japan, though, so all vapes with nicotine are effectively illegal.

There is, however, an exception that allows you to buy vapes with nicotine in Japan without breaking the law: You can import it from abroad. You are allowed to import vapes with nicotine at long as you import it for personal use only and buy no more than a one-month supply at a time.

Personal importation is the only way to legally buy vapes with nicotine in Japan. If a domestic seller offers to sell you vapes with nicotine, those products are not legal and have a high likelihood of being fake.

What Are the Most Popular Vapes in Japan?

According to the monthly search volume that the products receive on Google, the two most popular vapes in Japan are JUUL® and Puff Bar®.

  • JUUL® is a pod-based vaping device that’s discreet, extremely portable and very easy to use. The vape juice is stored in a translucent pod that’s easy to remove when the pod runs out of e-liquid or when you want to use a different flavour. It’s necessary to recharge the JUUL® battery and replace the pod approximately once per day.
  • Puff Bar® is a disposable vape that’s pre-charged and filled with e-liquid at the factory. It’s very convenient because it comes out of the box ready for immediate use. When a Puff Bar® runs out of vape juice or battery power, you’ll replace the entire device.

Although these two brands are extremely popular, there’s one major issue with buying Puff Bar® and JUUL® in Japan: Neither product has a nicotine-free version, so neither one is officially available there. Because these two brands are so popular – and because there’s no legal way to buy them in Japan – counterfeit products are extremely common.

How Common Are Fake Vapes in Japan?

Perhaps because all vapes with nicotine are illegal to sell in Japan, there are no statistics describing how common counterfeit vaping products are there. Fake vapes are a major problem throughout the world, though, and there’s no reason to believe that Japan is immune. To further compound the issue, the two most popular vapes in Japan – JUUL® and Puff Bar® — are also two of the most heavily counterfeited brands in the world.

Here are just a few of the seizures of fake Puff Bars® and JUUL® products that have happened over the last few years.

  • In 2021, 42 shipments of fake Puff Bars® were seized by customs agents in the United States. In all, the agents confiscated 33,681 counterfeit Puff Bars® valued at USD $719,453.
  • In 2021, Chinese law enforcement officers raided and shut down a factory involved in producing and distributing fake JUUL® products. Authorities seized more than 110,000 counterfeit products in the raid.
  • In 2020, Chinese law enforcement offers raided and shut down a manufacturer of fake JUUL® products. Authorities seized 14,600 counterfeit products in the raid. Records on a computer confiscated during the raid indicated that the factory had sold USD $324,000 in fake JUUL® products since 2018.
  • In 2019, customs agents in Philadelphia confiscated a package containing 1,152 fake JUULpods® valued at USD $4,700.
  • In 2019, customs agents in St. Louis confiscated two shipments containing a total of 2,379 fake JUULpods® valued at USD $38,040.
Why Are Fake Vapes a Serious Problem in Japan?

As we mentioned above, fake vapes are particularly likely to be an issue in Japan because the two most popular vape brands – JUUL® and Puff Bar® — aren’t officially available there. If a domestic seller carries products from either of those brands, they’re illegal since they contain nicotine – so you have every reason to be sceptical about whether they’re real or not.

Fake vapes probably won’t taste the same as real products, so it’s very likely that you won’t be particularly happy with them. Flavour, however, is the least of your concerns because fake vapes can also be extremely dangerous.

  • E-liquids and vape pods could be manufactured in unsanitary conditions and may contain contaminants or dangerous additives. A counterfeit e-liquid may not even have the nicotine strength described on the package.
  • Devices and disposable vapes could contain battery cells that were either rejected by the manufacturer or reclaimed from other vaping devices that were used and discarded. A lithium-ion battery with manufacturing defects poses a serious risk of explosion or fire.
These Are The Benefits of Buying Vapes in Japan From Abroad

Reading this article, you’ve learned that the only way to buy vapes with nicotine in Japan legally is by importing them from abroad. That’s the biggest benefit of buying vape pods or disposable vapes from a company like Premium Vape – it allows you to buy vapes without breaking the law. As mentioned above, you’re allowed to import vapes with nicotine for personal use as long as you’re buying no more than a one-month supply at a time.

When you buy vapes from Premium Vape, you don’t have to worry about getting fake products because we source our products only from the original manufacturers and official distributors. We guarantee that every product sold on this site is authentic – and because we buy vaping products made for all regions around the world, you’ll find a bigger selection here than anywhere else.

Are you worried about buying vapes online in Japan and waiting a long time for your purchase to arrive? Buying vapes from Premium Vape is actually faster than you think – shipments to Japan from our New Zealand warehouse take an average of six days to arrive on DHL. And shipping is free if you spend NZD150, approximately 12,500 Yen at today’s exchange rate. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our friendly experts can’t wait to hear from you.

Note: Please make sure you always check the latest regulations in your country before importing our products. The info in this article is only a guide only and was correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. It cannot however be in any way considered binding legal advice. It is your responsibility to check it is legal to import the products you order.


Read this article in Japanese below.















Googleの製品の月間検索ボリュームによると、日本で最も人気のあるVAPEはJUUL®と Puff Bar®の2つです。

  • JUUL®は、ポッド型のVAPEデバイスで、目立たず、非常に携帯しやすく、使い勝手の良いデバイスであることが特徴です。VAPEジュースは半透明のポッドに収納され、ポッドの中のEリキッドが空になった時や、別のフレーバーに交換する時に簡単に取り出し入れができます。JUUL®のバッテリーの充電とポッドの交換は、1日に1回程度が目安です。
  • Puff Bar®は、工場であらかじめ充電済みでEリキッドがすでに充填された使い捨てのVAPEです。箱から出してすぐに使え、利便性が高い製品です。VAPEジュースやバッテリーがなくなると、デバイスすべての交換が必要です。

以上の2つのメーカーは人気を博していることは事実です、しかし、Puff Bar®とJUUL®を日本で購入する場合、1つ大きな問題があることをご注意ください。両社の製品にはニコチンフリーの製品はなく、日本では正規購入ができません。この2つのブランドは非常に人気がありますが、日本では合法的に購入する方法がないため、模倣品が市場に非常に多く出回っています。


日本ではニコチン入りのVAPEが総じて違法とされているためか、VAPEの偽物がどの程度市場に出回っているかという統計はないようです。この偽VAPEに関する問題は世界中で大きな課題となっており、日本も無関係とは言い切れません。さらに問題を複雑にしているのは、日本で最も人気を博す2つのVAPEブランド、JUUL®とPuff Bar®が、世界的に最も偽造品の多いブランドであるということです。

ここ数年で起こったPuff Bar®とJUUL®の偽物品の押収事件の一部をご紹介します。

・2021年、米国で42件の偽物Puff Bars®の出荷が税関当局によって押収されました。合計33,681個、719,453米ドル相当の偽Puff Bars®が押収されました。

・- 2021年、中国法執行機関は、偽JUUL®製品の生産と流通に関与していた工場を捜索し、閉鎖させました。当局はこの襲撃で11万個以上の模倣品を押収しました。

・- 2020年、中国の法執行機関は、偽JUUL®製品の製造業者を捜索し、閉鎖させました。当局は14,600個の模倣品を押収し、家宅捜索で押収されたコンピュータの記録によると、工場は2018年以降、総額324,000米ドルの偽JUUL®製品を販売したことが判明しました。


・2019年、セントルイスの税関捜査官は、合計2,379個、USD $38,040相当の偽JUULpods®を含む2つの貨物を押収しました。


前述したように、日本ではJUUL®とPuff Bar®という2大VAPEブランドが公式に販売さしていないため、偽VAPEである可能性が特に高いです。


  • E リキッドと VAPE ポッドは、不衛生な環境で製造され、汚染物質や危険な添加物が含まれている可能性があります。偽造されたEリキッドには、パッケージに記載されている濃度のニコチンが含まれていない可能性も考えられます。
  • デバイスや使い捨てVAPEは、メーカーが廃棄した電池セルや、使用後に廃棄された他のVAPEデバイスから再生された電池セルが含まれている可能性があります。製品品質上、欠陥があるリチウムイオン電池は、爆発や火災の深刻な被害を引き起こします。




注: 当社の製品を輸入する前に、必ずお住まいの国の最新の規制を確認してください。 この記事の情報は単なるガイドであり、公開時点で私たちが知る限り正しかったものです. ただし、拘束力のある法的助言とはみなされません。 注文した製品の輸入が合法であることを確認するのは、お客様の責任です。